Hello, we're the ones changing things

Since its founding, Mapdwell has comprised a collaborative group of professionals with expertise in diverse fields: design, building technology, engineering, environmental science, finance, and computer science, among others.

Eduardo Berlin's headshot
EVP, Energy Intelligence
Eduardo Berlin

Eduardo is an architect and entrepreneur. He is building high-impact, innovative and sustainable solutions to make cities and homes work better. He leads strategy, product and management.

David G Nix's headshot
VP of Operations, Energy Intelligence
David G Nix

David brings design, science and technology to cities, places and people. He leads product design and development, user experience, data analysis and scientific computing.

Stefano Polloni's headshot
Senior Data Scientist
Stefano Polloni

Stefano is an Urban Economist with a knack for geospatial data. He builds data pipelines and predictive models and is passionate about housing, transportation, and the environment.

Allison Strandberg's headshot
Software Engineer
Allison Strandberg

Allison is a full-stack developer with a background in environmental science and theatrical lighting design. She builds intuitive, inspiring tools to explore complex data.

Lucas Volle's headshot
Senior Engineer
Lucas Volle

Lucas is a senior full-stack developer. He enjoys learning about and working with modern web APIs to build data-driven interactive experiences on the web.

Amanda Barclay's headshot
Geospatial Data Specialist
Amanda Barclay

Amanda is a geospatial data specialist with a background in geo-intelligence. She acquires, vets, and analyzes geospatial data and works to improve and automate processes.

Ben Garrett's headshot
Geospatial Data Specialist
Ben Garrett

Ben is a geospatial data specialist with a background in forestry and conservation. Ben finds and processes the best available data and works to develop and improve modeling pipelines.

Mike Lundin's headshot
Senior Engineer
Mike Lundin

Mike is a Senior Engineer with a background in conservation science, fitness, and financial applications. He enjoys using modern tools to create applications that make data come alive.

Rob Spencer's headshot
Data Engineer
Rob Spencer

Rob is a Data Engineer supporting building energy modeling capabilities. His background includes power grid optimization and visualization as well as remote sensing for environmental applications.


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We are always looking for new teammates to join us in revolutionizing what energy means to people.

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