Mapdwell releases Solar Widget™ for easy API integration
Drop-in widget opens access to Mapdwell’s Solar API

Today Mapdwell releases the Solar Widget™ drop-in web component to enable easy access and integration of the Mapdwell Solar API.
Now industry stakeholders of any size or level of sophistication can easily place rooftop solar feasibility on any public-facing website. With the Widget, businesses gain an easy-to-integrate tool that gives end-customers access to rooftop solar feasibility assessment at the click of a button.
Users can look up an address, discover their potential, understand key metrics, and move forward with clarity. Businesses see this as an opportunity to activate their website to new customers and increase the likelihood of conversion of likely candidates.
Mapdwell continues its efforts to increase solar adoption by giving access to data and providing actionable data tools so that everyone can Work with the Sun!